Thursday, November 8, 2007

gettin ready to go

So we have our job, we have our tickets, and in a week and a half we'll be on a plane. I can't speak for John, but I know I'm feeling a combination of giddy excitement and pure terror. It was sad to have Japan slip out of our fingers, but the more I learn about Taiwan, the more excited I get. The city looks amazing and the tropical landscape beautiful. The food looks incredible, too. I know we're both excited for that. There's this dish I've heard you can get there called "stinky tofu" and it sounds quite interesting. Apparently you can smell it from a block away and it tastes even worse. I think I'll have to work my way up to it, but I guess we'll just have to see....


Kelly said...

I'd be afraid of the stinky tofu! I'd want to know what made the tofu stinky before I ate it.

I'm excited for you guys! I look forward to hearing about your adventures!!

Anonymous said...

We are going to miss you so much, but we are so excited for both of you! We can't wait to hear about all your adventures as they unfold over the next few months!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Taiwon is lucky to have the two finest people travel its will be sorely missed. Be safe and have fun!

PS: John, please don't go Red and expat while you're there!!!