Saturday, July 5, 2008

Gettin Scooter Savvy

You sit waiting, breathing deeply as you try and relax your fingers. Gone from one caravan to travel amongst another that seemed so mystical and frightening. That's right, man, I finally bought a scooter and am learning to traverse the insane city streets of Taipei! I think its name will be Satchmo cause she's like Jazz on wheels. For seven months we have been using the public transport here, and trust me, it has been unbelievably good. But there was something missing.
I've always loved the feeling of independence that comes while cruising with the windows rolled down, the sun shining down and the cool breeze blowing across your face. I've missed that. Course, Satchmo has no windows. And the air in Taipei is anything but cool here in early July. But that doesn't mean that it aint one of the most liberating feelings I've had in my whole life. The city jungle can seem pretty inescapable at times, a little suffocating. In only three days Mel and I have been able to find places of refuge that I never knew were literally "around the corner."
It still remains a bit sketchy, especially when a taxi is pulling away from the curb as the bus races towards it while you are somewhere in between. But you get by. Have so far. Plan to in the future. We've yet to leave the city on ol' jazz wheels but I imagine we'll be gone tomorrow. Mel and I went down to a place called "the Diner" that serves Western style breakfasts, had some pancakes and then cruised back home. Unreal, reminds me of Denver in a very Asian way. Denver with palm fronds.
Oh yeah Mel bought a Tamagotchi egg! Yeah, remember those. She couldn't pass it up, a bit of nostalgia for four dollars! No way to pass that up.
Anyways we hope you are all well and in good health. Love you

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